20 food to detox your body

  1. Sweet potato - best to bake and eat the entire potato including skin
  2. Mung bean - make soup
  3. Oats - make juice with apple and raisin
  4. Job's tears - boil in water and add sugar to taste
  5. Millet - make congee/porridge with it
  6. Brown rice
  7. Red bean - boil in water and drink the water
  8. Carrot - add lemon and honey to carrot juice
  9. Yam - peel skin and juice with pineapple
  10. Lappa - make juice with juicer
  11. Asparagus
  12. Onion
  13. Lotus root - juice and add honey, or add sugar and simmer and drink it hot
  14. Radish/turnip - juice or add to salad or eat raw
  15. Radish's leave - juice and add honey
  16. Sweat potato's leave - cook with garlic and pinch of salt as a side dish
  17. 山茼蒿(昭和草) Crassocephalum crepidioides / Crassocephalum rabens - juice with tomato, apple, pomelo, carrot, orange
  18. 川七 Boussingaultia Gracilis Miers Var. Pseudobaselloides (Hauman) Bailey - juice with tomato, yellow bell pepper, kiwi, alfalfa sprout
  19. yogurt
  20. vinegar