I forgot to add dishwashing liquid last time but as soon as the water evaporates, the ants crawled over the cayenne pepper so I don't think this method works.
Keep ants away
I forgot to add dishwashing liquid last time but as soon as the water evaporates, the ants crawled over the cayenne pepper so I don't think this method works.
Jump start to wellness
Some of the tips were pretty obvious lifestyle adjustments like drink more water, eat more vegetables, eat smaller meals but snack more often, exercise, get good quality sleep, reduce salt intake, get a massage, learn to breathe.
However, I find that the first three goals can be achieved effortlessly if you switch to a vegan diet. It is unfortunate that people are so brainwashed about getting protein from meat and dairy that we don't realize meat is the cause of much health problems in our country: obesity, heart disease, cancer, and many more aliments that can be avoided. Less developed country with plant based diet start to suffer dramatic increase in these diseases when they start to adopt our western diet. I wonder when people will find that meat is bad for you, much like how tobocco company use to make people think that smoking is alright.
Improve your quality of sleep
Don't drink before bed - A glass of wine with dinner may relax you temporarily, but alcohol will actually wake you up again four to six hours after you've taken your last sip. That's because your body digests the alcohol, some of the by-products interfere with the stages and duration of your sleep.
Wear socks to bed - That added warmth encourages good blook circulation, which signals neurotransmitters in your brain that it's time to relax and go to sleep
Take your vitamins - Calcium and magnesium both help nerves stay healthy so they can effectively signal muscles to relax at night. When you know you're facing crazier-than-normal days ahead, make sure you get your daily 1,200 millgrams of calcium through dark leafy greens, and your magnesium by eating legumes, nuts, and whole grains.
Get out of bed - if you find yourself tossing and turning for longer than 15 minutes, get back up until your body feels ready to sleep. Try reading something boring.